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Posted by: Kim Mattar Category: News & Stories

How to Transport a Dog or a Newly Adopted Dog?

There are thousands of dogs all over the country who are just waiting to be adopted. And, there are tons of dog lovers out there who would love to adopt a dog! One of the main problems is getting that adoptable dog to its new family.

Not only is cost a problem for many families, but finding the right dog for that family is tricky as well. Not all dogs are right for every family. For example, there may be a Siberian Husky in a shelter who is up for adoption in a nearby city. The problem is, Huskies aren’t the best dogs for small city apartments. They like to roam and have space to run around. Again, let’s say you have a family of 6, which includes young children. It’s very important to adopt a dog that plays well with children and a lot of people, which isn’t the case with every dog breed. Each dog breed has their own specific personality traits. There may not be a local shelter dog that matches up with your personality and living style.

But when you open up your adoption search to the country, you are more likely to find the perfect adoptable dog somewhere. But what if that dog is in Texas and you live in Connecticut? How is that dog going to get to you? You may not have the time or money to travel across the country. That’s where Pilots N Paws comes to the rescue.

Pilots N Paws is a nonprofit organization that helps dogs travel for free! The organization consists of more than 5,000 pilots and plane owners who volunteer their services and planes. They help transport almost 15,000 dogs every year to reach their new loving homes. By getting these dogs to their forever homes, it helps reduce the number of innocent lives taken at kill-shelters. If you are in search of your best friend, don’t buy, adopt! You have no excuses!

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