Does My Health Impact My Dog’s Health?
Have you thought about how your health affects the health of your dog? You may not care about being your fittest or thinnest but we’re sure you care about your dog being their healthiest. A healthier life often means a longer and happier life! Who doesn’t want their dog to be healthy and live forever!? Don’t be ashamed if you think you’re guilty of being an “unhealthy” dog owner. There are many ways you can easily turn daily activities into positive ones for both you and your dog!
Here’s a few ways your current health may be impacting your dog with ways you can change these habits into healthy ones.
- Your Activity Level is Your Dog’s Activity Level.
- Your Food is Your Dog’s Food
- Your Environment is Your Dog’s Environment
- Your Mood is Your Dog’s Mood
If you’re laying around all day, watching TV, browsing on your phone, eating, reading… then chances are that’s what your dog is doing. If your dog is a self-entertainer, maybe you can throw fido a toy and he will chase it a bit and gnaw on it for a few minutes. While this may healthy cognitively, your dog certainly isn’t physical active. There’s nothing better for your dog than running around, wild and free! Get them panting for a good 5 minutes. We want that tongue hanging out, drool dripping, the whole 9 yards! That’s when you know they’re getting some good cardio in! Even a simple 20 minute daily walk will do the trick. We all need to move more!
Not only does this help with your dog’s activity levels but it also helps with their behavior. Well exercised dogs are often calmer, more obedient dogs. Plus, they tend to bark less and have less anxiety. Who wouldn’t want that for their dog? Ever heard of the saying happy dog, happy human? Neither have we, but it’s true!
Hopefully this is not the case for you, but it’s true for many. We have written several blog posts and articles discouraging dog owners from feeding their dogs human food. You can view our newest blog post on why it’s not safe to feed your dog human food. Plus we pack in a ton of tips on changes that can be made to reduce human food consumption.
Sure, some people like to snack on carrots and zucchini, which are fine to share with your dog in moderation. But many people are snacking on “junk food” like pretzels, chips, ice cream, and pizza. Not only can this junk food pack on the pounds for the owner and the dog, it can be damaging to the dog’s health! If you are constantly feeding your dog from your plate or table then please take a moment to read the blog post we shared above. The changes you can make are SO easy, we promise!
Do you clean your house regularly? Are you guilty of dust bunnies underneath the bed? Don’t worry, most of us are too! Unfortunately we get so busy that sometimes it’s hard to clean all the little nooks and crannies of our homes. But remember, just as you would like to live in a clean home, your dog does too! Sure, they may lick their own poop or roll around outside in the dirt but it’s not necessarily the “cleanliness” that is important to your dog. What is important is the environmental factors that could silently cause health issues. Those dust bunnies under the bed is often where your dog sleeps at night. This alone could be causing allergies to your dog.
Second Hand Smoke
Do you smoke inside your home? The air you’re breathing is the air your dog is breathing. Second hand smoke is not limited to humans. Do you use chemicals to make your grass nice and green or salt to de-ice your front steps? Your dog is walking on these chemicals and then licking his/her paws! He/she has now consumed these hazardous products. Being aware of what’s going on in your environment is not only important for you, but for your dog as well.
Ever hear of monkey-see, monkey-do? Or a baby picking up on the emotions and anxieties of the mother? Studies have shown that this is very likely the same situation for a dog and their owner. High strung, angry, stressed out humans will often translate to the dog. Dogs are intelligent beings and they have the ability to pick up on human energies and emotions.
Coincidence Or Emotionally Connected?
Ever feel like your dog knows the exact time to come and comfort you? Whether you are sad or not feeling well, Fido always knows when it’s time to snuggle and make you feel better. If your dog can pick up on your sadness, then he/she can pick up on your anxiousness and depression too. We are firm believers on accountability for the energy you bring to a room. Whether you are with your family, friends, or your dog, try to be your best!
Tuning into your own health and well-being can be a huge realization of your dog’s health. If we humans could tune into each other’s emotions the way dogs can, we would not only be healthier, but connected!
Photo credit
Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash
Kimberly Mattar
February 13th, 2018
Updated June 11th, 2019

Kim is the co-owner of DogLoverStore with her husband, John. She earned her BS in operations management at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She enjoys walking in nature, gardening in the sun, eating sour candy, going on drives, yoga, and reading.