Why Neuter Your Dog? Should I Spay? Why Tattoo?

Why do they mark a dog after being neutered?

As time passes, more dogs are getting tattoos. That’s right! We said tattoos. We had our dog Teddy neutered when he was a puppy. If you don’t plan on having your dog reproduce then it’s a good idea to have your dog neutered or spayed. Male dogs are “neutered” and female dogs are “spayed”. We knew we didn’t want Teddy to impregnate a female dog. That is why we had him neutered. Neutering is the removal of a male’s testicles and spaying is the removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Aside from preventing reproduction, people wonder why they should neuter or spay their dogs. Many aren’t aware of the health benefits from spaying and neutering your dogs. There are also behavioral benefits. Having your male dog’s testicles removed can prevent testicular cancer, minimize your dog’s desire to hump, and prevent excessive urination to mark their territory.

Dog Tattoos - After Neuter Spay

Why Spay Your Dog

Removing the female dog’s ovaries and uterus prevents her from longing for a mate while she is in heat. It also stops her from going into heat and leaving spots of blood around your home. But most importantly it will prevent pregnancy. Spaying also decreases the chances of getting cancer and infections in her reproductive and urinary organs. These are benefits worth considering when deciding if you should spay your dog.

Why Do Dogs Get Spay Tattoos or Neutered Tattoos?

What is that green tattoo on dogs? Vets typically tattoo the dog with either a blue or green colored line. The line is located near the scar from surgery. It’s not always easy to know if a dog has been neutered. A scar is a tell tale sign of a surgery but the scar will fade over time. This is why the green tattoo is used. Before a dog is neutered, their testicles aren’t always visible. Testicles are only visible on some dogs. And for females you can’t see from the exterior whether or not they have their ovaries and uterus. You should know whether a dog has been spayed or neutered. It is important for the future health of your dog. Vets should always know the history of your dog before performing surgery or providing a medical diagnosis.

Benefits of Having Your Dog Tattooed

If your dog is ill and having symptoms of a certain type of disease like cancer, your vet will be able to rule out certain areas of the body that could be carrying the disease. Testicles are often a prime location for cancer in male dogs. For the overall health of your dog, your vet should always know your dog’s full medical history. This includes a surgery to spay or neuter.

Kimberly Mattar
September 24th, 2015
Updated on September 2nd, 2020

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