Manuka Honey – Super “Dog” Food!

Did you know dogs can eat certain foods that help soothe seasonal allergies? We’ve heard of dogs avoiding certain foods that worsen their allergies or induce allergies. But some super-foods have healing properties that counter health ailments, including seasonal allergies. Not just dogs, but humans benefit from manuka honey as well. Also, when you’re sick it’s great to melt into tea.

What is Manuka Honey?

So what is manuka honey? Why is it beneficial or healthy? Bees produce manuka honey from honey nectar. In other words, bees pollinate the manuka tree/bush found in New Zealand. It’s used all around the world as alternative medicine and is believed to have healing powers. It’s antibacterial components treat skin burns, ulcers, and general wound care. The honey is high in pollen count which attributes the honey’s healing powers. Bee pollen is also known to be a super-food. It contains amino acids, vitamins, carbs, minerals, and enzymes that are crucial to health. Since manuka honey is antibacterial, it’s believed to reduce sinus and ear infections. More studies need to be completed, but manuka honey for dogs could reduce inflammation, help control diabetes, reduce cholesterol, and aid in preventing cancer as well.

Manuka Honey For Dog Allergies

Manuka Honey for Dog Allergies

How does manuka honey help treat my dog’s allergies? Honey contains components that act as natural antihistamines. When you have an allergic reaction, antihistamines block histamines released in the body. Your dog’s body sees mold, pollen, dust, and other allergens as foreign invaders. The result of the reaction is itching, sneezing, watering eyes, and more. In other words, the honey’s antihistamines helps prevent the body’s reaction to such allergens.

How Much Manuka Honey can I Give My Dog?

First, if you decide to give your dog manuka honey, consult your vet. Each serving size depends on the size of your dog. You’ll never want to give your dog more than a teaspoon a day. Honey contains high amounts of natural sugar and dogs shouldn’t eat too much sugar. High amounts of sugar can cause obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, and other problems. That’s why you should only feed your dog honey if you are using it for medicinal purposes, not for taste.

Manuka Honey Dosage for Dogs

Start with 1/8 teaspoon. After that, monitor your dog to ensure there are no negative reactions. If your dog is fine, provide 1/8 teaspoon dose at night. Larger dogs can start with 1/2 teaspoon and then another dose at night. But never exceed 1 teaspoon per day. For a 10 pound dog stick with the 1/8 teaspoon x 2 per day dosage. Above all, consult your vet as they may recommend a different dosage. You should have no trouble getting your dog to consume the honey. It’s yummy and sweet!

Is Raw Honey Safe for My Dog?

TIP: Buy raw, organic manuka honey. Raw organic honey has more pure and potent healing properties. But if your dog’s immune system is compromised do not feed them honey. Raw honey is unpasteurized which means it may contain butolism spores. This is a type of bacteria that may be difficult to fight off. It is extremely rare, but better safe than sorry!

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Kimberly Mattar
Written June 13th, 2018
Last Updated September 4th, 2020